A once dark uninspired 1960s ranch house has been transformed by a 200 SF kitchen addition and a complete renovation into an uplifting home that now takes advantage of its spectacular mountain and creek side setting. A new gable roof over the kitchen addition with exposed beams, wood ceiling, large doors opening out to a patio and high clerestory windows allow the creek and mountain views to now be experienced throughout the great room. The kitchen incorporates a large island for cooking and socializing; a home office area; and a small sitting area next to a fireplace. The steep cor-ten gable roof over the kitchen and the inviting butterfly roof over the entry are a harmonious contrast to the original low pitched roof. A new detached garage with small attic office complements the house and creates an entry court. The stepping roof forms respond to the surrounding ridges.
Vail Luxury 2009
Mountain Living August 2017